Saturday, April 25, 2009

singapore : 2009

if you have money, and a weekend to spend somewhere outside jakarta, singapore might be a good idea. emang bener kata promotional bannernya.... you have 2009 reasons to enjoy spore. well, i don't have the money actually... but i managed to ngintil my parents on this trip. :D this time we're taking the valuair flight, which is a bit more expensive than air asia, but fly at a more reasonable hour (12.05pm). and we're staying at the ymca international house, located at one orchard rd. i got the room for $126++ (sleeps 3ppl) including breakfast, hairdryer and wifi.

apparently the hotel was located at a very strategic area. just across the street from dhoby ghout interchange station, near a bus stop, and within walking distance of singapore mall, park mall, and bras basah rd. that first afternoon we went to explore clark quay though.

clark quay (take mrt or bus number 197 from orchard rd) is famous for it's scenery (riverfront restos) and nite clubs. we're not interested in the clubs other than looking at some of the funny theme (a club called "clinic", with hospital beds and wheelchair as chair... and a drink from your veryown infus? :D), but we are very interested in dining at JUMBO, famous for it's seafood dishes.

the chilli crab was delicious, although other dishes sama enaknya bow. steamed prawn with garlic might sound boring to you, but not in this resto. we wiped the plates clean.

after ambush we went for a stroll down to the basement to see the central market. it's a regular market, with a twist. each shop have areas where customers can sit and enjoy the food they just ordered. it's not so much as a resto, cos you can buy them rare to take home, if you want (meat, fish, poultry, veggies, fruits... you name it, they sell it..). now why can't indo markets be like that? :D

sunday morning began as soon as we finished our all-you-can-manage breakfast. this is a smart hotel. they don't cook their own breakfast items (other than fried mee or fried rice and congee..) but merely open frozen or canned food and serve them. which is fine by me. it's still good.

we strolled around bras basah rd, trying to find a bookstore which my brother conveniently forgot to mention is not located at bras basah rd, but instead was called bras basah complex, located at the northbridge rd. thank goodness i have a map. the bookstore (popular bookstore, 2nd fl bras basah complex) is surprisingly huge... they even have an entire floor dedicated to chinese books. the complex itself wasn't such a bad place. most of the stores are music and books store. ooh... on the way we came across raffles hotel, which is one of the most expensive hotel in singapore, i was told.

from there we need only to cross the intersection and enter raffles mall, into the citylink mall and suntec mall etc. we didn't go very far though, cos we gotta eat lunch and then head to the esplanade. so we parked our bums at the asia kithen (located at citylink mall, near escalator to esplanade) and ordered pork chop fried rice, luncheon meat fried rice, and pork chop lamien. yuuuummmmyyy! i haven't had porkchop for a decade, and this one wass surprisingly delicious. prices were less than $10 (mine's only $8.90). beware of the non-english speaking waitress though.

the show itself was great. dad managed to get prime seats, right in the centre. love the show!! gak nyesel pergi nonton biarpun harganya gila2an.

a sneak peak of the show.. :p

after that we went for a stroll at the waterfront. (come to think of it, singaporeans are so un-creative with names. they have waterfront, riverfront, and harbourfront!!!). it's indonesian nights, with cozy street corner, endah n rhesa, and bonita performing for 3 days. this was their last day so they jammed together in front of a full house.

update: i found the Endah n Rhesa cd!! AHAHAHHAHAHAHHA. di duta suara harganya cuma 25rb cing! di sana mereka jual S$15!!

hari ke 3 kita bangun suantai2, trus setelah beres2 koper langsung turun untuk breakfast. habis breakfast pun masih santai2..... tapi toh ya pas turun untuk check out masih jam 10an. gak tau mo kemana... so we went to bugis junction (liar! i knew exactly where to go that day! :D).

bugis junction ini 1 stop setelah dhoby ghout. kalau naik mrt sih cuma sekitar $1.00an (excluding $1 deposit untuk kartunya yg bisa refundable ya). isinya? not quite a big mall.. only 3 stories with basement tapi toko2nya isinya one of a kind semua. kalau mau cari baju2 yg unik2, di sini tempatnya. they have every style, mulai dari yang sophisticated, chic, punk, harajuku, sampai simply tshirts with your own design juga ada di sini. untuk makan, no need to worry. di basement ada semacam foodcourt yang isinya jajanan (kalau gak mau dibilang makanan ngenyangin) enak2 dan murah2. di lantai 2 dan 3 (or is it 3 and 4?) juga ada resto2 dan foodjunction - a more serious foodcourt than the one below). oh i found a stall yang berisi dengan dompet2, clutch, party purse, bags, dan hair accessories made from imitation leather di basement. harga cukup bersaing, big bag $32, purse or clutch $6, bando dan lain2 $4... nyesel banget gak beli bando dan bandananya. lucu2 banget.

bored with the usual mall stuff? worry not. head across the street to the bugis street market. man.. ini lebih gila lagi. they sell virtually everything! well, not as crazy as chatuchak di thailand sih... tapi cukup kumplit. biasanya sih beli suvenir2 di sini. banyak juga yg jual camilan2 menarik dan minuman2 menyegarkan (grass jelly pake es? oh yeah).

after done with our shoppings we head back to orchard rd to spend the remainder 2 hours of our time before heading back to the airport. our feet almost stopped working by that time, so we went to the food republic at wisma atria. tadinya sih plannya cuma untuk cari tempat duduk sambil minum2 es. err..... we did buy the ice (with jelly something2.. enak kok). but we ended up munching dimsums also. 4 items (chicken feet, syomay, bakut, and bapao) for $13.50. not bad. :D habis itu baru deh kekenyangan sampai gak bisa jalan beneran. dad was exhausted, i think ... but he managed to keep up with us. poor dad. the only thing he bought was his presciousssss marzipan chocolates. :D

heading back to the airport cost us less than $2 per person by the number 36 bus from in front of ymca. it took more or less an hour, but it's much more entertaining than the $20+ taxi ride.

well.... i can tell you that a trip with my parents will always be fun, no matter how tiring it could be. at least i knew good food is on the agenda. :D next trip will be equally fun, i hope. oh boy oh boy i can hardly wait. i already got the visa, yang kurang cuma itinerarynya aja selama di sana. oh boy oh boy oh boy. :>

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

i think i walked way too much.

eh, udah balik lo? gimana trip nya? hah, serius lu? seru banget? trus beli apa aja? idih.. cape deh nek. masa ke sana gak beli apa2? semalem nyampe jam brapa? oh jam 10.. gila juga.. kok malem banget? tapi pesawatnya on time kan? iya emang mendingan naek valuair.. biar telat boarding tetep aja take offnya on time. masih mending lo. lion air di cancel.. bete banget kan.. untung lu gak naek lion.

yap yap. i'm back in jakarta, malam pingsan, pagi2 langsung syuting di mangga besar. did nothing much while in spore, except watch CATS (which was excellent... gak rugi!), eat all the time, took some photos for semi-photoblogging......................... err.. belanja dikit (nyesel banget ada bbrp barang yg gw gak beli.. nyesel nyesel!)

btw, pas lagi di esplanade malem2 ada performance, non other than 3 indonesian artist. bonita, cozy street corner, dan endah n rhesa. i have to say bonita has a great voice, tapi performance endah n rhesa yang curi2 perhatian. SUER gw nyesel banget gak beli cdnya!! ada yang tau gak bisa dibeli di mana? hiks.

anyways, fotos akan nyusul ya. belum sempet upload krn besok udah harus masukin formulir application visa. wish me luck.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

cluttered mind

my desk is so cluttered when i'm working. i suppose it represents the state of my brain.

padahal kerjaannya lumayan gampang. cari pembicara, cari tempat buat syuting tergantung pembicara. udah. gampang. tapi kenapa tetep riweh banget ya kondisi meja gw? belom lagi mo fotokopi gak ada kertas. mo nge print gak ada tinta printer. hrgh.

besok syuting di st. theresia, jumat syuting..moga2 lancar. habis ituuuuuuuu i'm offfff!! yippyy! am going to see cats the musical. haha. moga2 sebagus yg di broadway. sebelum dan sesudah nonton tentunya dipakai untuk tour de kuliner, dan ngabisin duit *halah, lagaknya kayak masih punya banyak duit aja...*

duh cuti gw yg bulan may kenapa belom di approve ya? jangan2 lupa lagi.....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i'm sorry, goodbye

1. kemarin baru dapat kabar kalau ternyata gua di pindah program, udah gak ditempatin di lagi. tumben2an dapet program agama. lumayan sih. Syuting gampang, santai, dan gak ribet. setelah ngerjain cucu yang agak2 ribet gimanaaaa gitu, kok jadi parno ya ngerjain program yang gampang2 gini? :D however, this news brought mixed feelings.

seneng: cos i get my free weekends back! yay!! no more shooting di hari sabtu minggu.
sedih: - pisah sama tim yg udah kompak banget. :(
- pisah sama anak2 abg yg lebay2 itu. bagaimanapun mereka udah jadi temen baek gw... . bahkan saking akrabnya mereka sampe pada protes, dan mama cindy pun nelp hanya untuk menyatakan kekecewaannya. haiyah. :(

3. anyways, this is what i wore to work today. bright blue! hehe.

5. jadi inget... minggu lalu om gw mendadak punya ide 'cemerlang' untuk mak nyomblangin gw sama temen dia. mengingat om gw udah umur 60an, tentu gw agak2 kawatir. tapi ternyata 'temen' dia itu baru umur 40an. single catholic chinese. katanya udah pegang jabatan tinggi di perusahaan finance gitu. so my uncle invited us to lunch. berhubung gw cewek gratisan, diajak makan enak ya hayuk aja, terserah deh ada berapa banyak udang di balik batu.... good food, here i come.

ternyata orangnya memang baik. err... nice laaah. cuman asli... obrolannya gak nyambung banget sama gw. dia ngomongin finance yang gw kagak ngatri sama skali.... dan dia juga gak ngerti sama skali tentang dunia gw. hihihi. too bad. i wonder why he's not married yet, though. krn mengingat tampang gak bisa dibilang jelek dan attitude yg nice dan jabatannya yg emang tinggi itu... pasti banyak mami2 ngantri untuk mendaptar jadi calon mertuanya. i wonder why... .

7. lagi seneng nonton drama2 asia. kmaren mama tasya beli banyak banget, jadi gw minjem 3 judul yang gak terlalu panjang2. yg pertama gw tonton tentunya f4 versi jepang (hana yori dango). ergh. ternyata oh ternyata. kenapa ya versi f4 baik taiwan, jepang maupun korea semuanya dibintangi oleh cowok2 cantik dengan rambut lebay?

- taomingse: yang versi korea sebetulnya cakep tapi rambutnya gengges berat dengan di gelung2 gitu. sementara di versi jepangnya lebih mendingan walau awalnya agak terganggu dengan giginya yg agak tongos. :D tapi setelah terbiasa, bisa keliatan cakep juga kok, terutama kalo senyum. jangan ditanya kalo yg versi taiwan ya.... gw anti roger danuarta. :D :D :D

- temennya taomingse yang jadi lawan rebutan dia...... versi korea nya udah gengges dengan rambut di cat blond-gagal serta muka yg gak korea banget (menurut gw). tapi ternyata versi jepang lebih mengganggu lagi.. dengan rambut yang (tetep) di cat blond-gagal dan model rambut yg bikin mata berasa kelilipan terus, dah gitu mukanya .... GAK CAKEP BANGET! (liat foto kiri bagian pojok kiri atas) rhghrhg! kenapa ya? kalao versi taiwannya... gw gak inget. apakah dia di cat pirang gagal juga? oh no!

- ceweknya (gak inget namanya).. kalo versi korea nya sih kayaknya kurang cakep untuk bisa jadi rebutan para lelaki tajir yaaaa. tapi kalo yg versi jepang mungkin agak lumayan. cukup cute lah. cuma kurang galak, dan .. kenapa ya orang jepang suka sekali ngomong "EH?" dari dalam dada... jadi kesannya lagi ngeluarin dahak gitu. oh ya, tambahan satu pertanyaan: kenapa 2 cewek ini mirip dengan leony?? hihihihi.

uh, udah ah. bosen gak ada kerjaan. mari kita pulang! HAKAHAKHAKHAKHA.

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