Thursday, January 10, 2013

moving day

i've changed my address again. no.. not my actual address. but my blog address. it's been several months that i'm feeling that blogger's a bit annoying. so i'm moving to wordpress. i've managed to export all my previous posts to the new place too, so that's quite convenient, although i would've liked to move it to a different page rather than mix everything together. oh well. one step at a time. i barely even have time to clean up the house and unpack, although it's been 3 months already that i live here.

anyway, check out the new blog if you're interested. i'll be abandoning this one soon.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

heart broken

lately patrick wouldn't let me carry him out of the bath tub after bathtime. he wants his dad to do that. so i asked him why.

patrick: "i want dadda.."
me: "why? dadda is busy right now. how bout mommy?"
patrick: "NO!"

this could go on for several minutes until he feels cold. And then he would relent and let me wrap him in towel.

me: "why don't you let mommy carry you? don't you like mommy?"
patrick: "no."

*audible gasp from me*

me: "why??"
patrick: "nyanya too busy.."

my heart broke.

me: "you mean i'm always busy to play with you?"
patrick: "yessssss.."

my heart just shattered into pieces. he did, however, ended the conversation with a happy note, giving me kisses and a big hug (he likes that barney song 'i love you you love me we are happy family'). but i'm still speechless. i vowed there and then to give him more time and be more patient with him. it's hard, but i'm going to do it. for my boy's sake.


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