2 more recipes i found rather successful.
ayam masak blackbean ala ny. sisca.
ini lumayan enak walaupun i did some slight variations. i will write the original recipe first then i'd include the variations i made in blue ink lah ya.
4 paha atas ayam, potong jadi 8
air peresan jeruk nipis atau jeruk limo (dari sekitar 2-3 buah)
5 sdm saus cabe
1 sdm madu
1 sdm kecap manis
1/2 bawang bombay, iris tipis / cincang
5 siung bawang putih, cincang
3 sdm blackbean asin [kalengan, airnya dibuang ya]
garam merica secukupnya
rendam ayam dengan air jeruk nipis dan garam. setelah 1 jam, cuci bersih, lalu goreng.
[kalau gw sih lebih seneng ayamnya di rebus, jadi dapet kaldu ayam. jangan lupa tambahin garam sama lada dan kaldu block... setelah itu ayamnya baru di potong2]
panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay sampai harum. masukkan blackbean, saus cabe, madu dan kecap manis [gak usah persis.. dikira2 aja. gw sih nambahin madu dan kecap manis + air kaldu sekitar 2 sendok sayur], garam + merica. lalu masukkan kembali ayam, aduk rata. sajikan dengan irisan cabai merah.
satu lagi adalah dessert ala giada de laurentis. mbak giada ini salah satu cook yang gw suka karena makanannya simpel2 (kalau gak mau dibilang aneh krn doi spesialis masakan italia bo). nah ini adalah dessert yg simpel banget dan jadinya enak. buat yang doyan coklat, this is the dessert for you. cause i'm lazy, i'm just gonna copy paste the recipe. i got it from foodnetwork.com.
chocolate mascarpone cookie
• Vegetable cooking spray
• 1 pound refrigerated sugar cookie dough [recommended: Pillsbury tapi merek apa aja bisa kok. gw pake merk safeway. lebih murah bow.. :D]
• 2 (1.4-ounces) chocolate-toffee candy bars, coarsely chopped, divided [kalau gak ada ilangin aja.. gak gitu guna. atau kalau mau ya ganti sama permen toffee.. ]
• 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
• 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
• 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
• 1 cup (8 ounces) mascarpone cheese, at room temperature
• 1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted [i just bought the whole already toasted almonds and then chopped them up]
Position an oven rack in the middle of the oven. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Spray a 7 by 10 3/4-inch nonstick baking pan with vegetable cooking spray. Lay a 6 by 18-inch piece of parchment paper in the pan, allowing the excess paper to overhang the sides. Spray the parchment paper lightly with cooking spray.
In a medium bowl, combine the cookie dough, 1/2 of the chopped chocolate-toffee candy pieces and vanilla extract. Using damp fingers, gently press the dough into the prepared pan. Using the tines of a fork, prick the dough all over [bagian ini jgn sampai kelewatan, krn kalau gak jadinya bantet]. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes until the crust is lightly browned. Cool for 15 minutes.
Place the chocolate chips and vegetable oil in a medium bowl. Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water and stir until the chocolate has melted. Cool the chocolate mixture for 10 minutes. Whisk in the mascarpone cheese until the mixture is smooth. Using a spatula, spread the chocolate mixture over the cooled crust. Sprinkle the remaining chocolate-toffee candy pieces and sliced almonds over the chocolate mixture. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours until the chocolate layer is firm.
Peel off the parchment paper and cut into 1 1/2 by 2-inch bars. Serve at room temperature.
5 weeks ago