like every pilgrimage who has to go home and visit his/her home village every year, i did too, go home and visit my home in jakarta. for almost a whole month! :D
the trip home (just me and son) was very tiring. i got a good seat with a baby bassinet in front of me, but decided not to use it because i thought my son's too big for it. silly me! i ended up having to hold him on my lap the whole 14 + 4 hours flight. GRRR. by the time i got to indo i was so tired i couldn't even stand up straight. thank God for porters.
needless to say the trip was great. i ate a lot (any new news here?), patrick had great fun watching all the traffic (busses, bajajs, motorcycles and all those trucks.. oh heaven), and at the end of the trip when hubby was there we went to bali where we had some more great food (dear me!) and great fun (camel rides, anyone?).
5 weeks ago