Tuesday, July 28, 2009

who is yasmin ahmad?

i don't know who yasmin ahmad is. i never met her, and i never will, considering that she'd recently passed away. i also don't know much about her except from what the wikipedia wrote about her.

but i've come to love two of her works i came across from this blog. i must say i really loveeee her works. they speak loudly. they're simple and yet managed to deliver complicated messages. i mourn the lost of this one great director. may her soul rest in peace.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

shocking news for the week

omg omg omg omg.
someone i know just got kawin lari.

i know i should've symphatize with the family, but i also can't help feeling glee. old time resentment, perhaps. oh well, i'm just glad i'm in a much better relationship now.

anyway, back to the juicy news. apparently not only she (the wife) managed to 'steal' the son, but also managed to conceal the fact that she already has a 4y.o child from previous marriage. wow.

i have quite a big surprise myself, due in a month or so. but i don't know if i can top that news though. :D :D

on a lighter note, jogja was great.
really wished i had more time to visit beringharjo and shop. i only have time to buy one batik (nyesel banget gak beli yg satunya! huh!) but i managed to buy the bakpias (ran out of 75 so i bought 25 instead) and gudeg (yu djum's is still the best, i think). oh well i will be coming back soon so i'll make sure i stopped by at beringharjo, for the delicious street food if not for the clothes. :p (i was some street vendor jualan sate sapi di depan beringharjo. mulai dari daging sampai gajih.. ada semua. orghhhh.... sayang gak sempet beli yg banyak. hrmph). i did buy tas laptop motif batik and a cute jogja tshirt though.

btw, you know how you always remember one particular moment, the day you heard a bad news? i remember the exact moment the day i heard about princess diana's death. i was crossing the street, on my way to a friend's apartment in melbourne. i don't think i'll forget the moment i heard about jakarta's latest bombing. i'd just finished having breakfast and my colleague got a call asking about the bombing. it was 5min past 8, and i called my dad at home, told him to turn on the tv and watch the news. a few minutes later he told me ritz carlton and marriot was bombed. dang. damn you bombers! i hope you rot in hell.

Monday, July 13, 2009

while freezing in the office...

aha. got my permission to take leave again this end of august. of course i have a good reason for it, boss can't possibly say no. :)

i'm still trying to figure out how to fit the whole trip (bali - lombok - komodo island - jogja) within less than 2 weeks, with so much to do. i think i might arrange the whole trip using travel agent. i don't want to bother with looking for daily tours when i get there like i did in cairns. i wasted a whole day just wandering around doing nothing but looking at the so many tours and trying to decide which to do.

in the meantime i have a job assignment to go to jogja. that ought to be good. we're covering a beauty pageant contest and i'll be there for 4 to 5 nights. yay. except for the fact that i haven't got a mobile yahoo messenger with me. tsk. how am i going to go for 5 days without it, i don't know. i suppose i'll have to go to the SE center and ask them to fix my phone gprs again. someone should've open a BB rental...!!

orgh it's cold and am craving for pringles. :(

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

say what?

gak tau kenapa semalem bueteeee banget. mungkin karena efek habis meeting yang gila2an lamanya bersama bos2 antv, plus 1 jam kena macet walaupun pas pulang udah jam 8 lewat, trus eneg gara2 kebanyakan makan sop buntut. hrghrgh. saking ngeselinnya sampe betenya kebawa2 tidur terus sampe pagi. another rhghrghrhg moment. nyari2 hal yang bisa bikin seneng kok gak ada.... sampe ketemu artikel ini...

Dirjen Perhubungan Udara:
Aneh-aneh Saja, Penumpang Pesawat Kok Berdiri
Ryanair tengah menggagas terobosan gila: membuka layanan "karcis berdiri."
Selasa, 7 Juli 2009, 12:02 WIB
Heri Susanto

VIVAnews - Dirjen Perhubungan Udara, Departemen Perhubungan, Herry Bhakti menilai usulan penumpang pesawat berdiri sebagai bentuk usulan yang aneh karena itu tidak akan pernah terjadi.

"Itu mikirnya kok aneh-aneh saja, mana mungkin penumpang pesawat berdiri," ujar Herry kepada VIVAnews di Jakarta, Selasa, 7 Juli 2009. "Itu kan membuat pesawat seolah seperti bus saja."

Menurut dia, usulan tersebut sangat membahayakan penumpang jika benar-benar diterapkan. Dia menekankan penumpang tidak hanya akan menghadapi situasi saat pesawat akan terbang dan mendarat dengan goncangan. Tetapi, mereka juga menghadapi goncangan, misalnya pada saat cuaca buruk.

"Bagaimana kalau terjadi apa-apa, misalnya pada saat rem mendadak ketika pesawat mendarat," katanya.

Apalagi, kata dia, kecepatan bus dan pesawat sangat berbeda jauh. Kecepatan bus kota misalnya sekitar 40-50 kilometer per jam. Sedangkan, kecepatan pesawat mencapai 800 kilometer per jam atau 15 - 20 kali lipatnya.

"Padahal, di bus saja, jumlah penumpang berdiri juga dibatasi," katanya.

Namun, Herry mengatakan usulan tersebut baru datang dari Ryanair, pengusaha maskapai penerbangan. Kalangan otoritas penerbangan tidak akan mungkin menyetujui usulan maskapai penerbangan murah asal Irlandia tersebut.

Maskapai penerbangan murah asal Irlandia, Ryanair tengah menggagas terobosan gila: membuka layanan "karcis berdiri." Dengan membeli karcis itu, penumpang harus tetap berdiri selama penerbangan berlangsung kendati harga yang dibayar bisa 50 persen lebih murah dari tiket biasa.

Untuk itu, mereka akan menyiapkan kabin khusus yang hanya akan berlaku pada saat penerbangan jarak pendek. Selain itu, bakal disediakan sandaran khusus bagi penumpang berdiri. Sandaran itu juga dilengkapi dengan sabuk pengaman yang harus dipakai penumpang saat lepas landas atau ketika akan mendarat.

Sejauh ini, Ryanair sedang mengajukan proposal tersebut kepada otoritas keselamatan penerbangan.

• VIVAnews


what next, turunnya loncat? haiehiaeiaheiaheaea. boy this article really makes my day.

Friday, July 3, 2009

a detour


my life took a sudden detour yesterday. a lot happened on one day, and most was sorta 'predicted' by a friend. at that time (when she said those things), i just laughed it off and joked about it. but now, i kinda wish she'd kept her mouth shut. lol. but something must've happened for a reason, so i'll just have to take a deep breath, and get ready for the ride. wish me luck. it's going to be bumpy. i'm also going to keep a separate journal on one of the detour. let's see what i can make out of it. :p

anyways, no, i didn't take the job offer. it wasn't such a good offer anyway and i was glad i turned it down.

and no, ice age in 3D still isn't as good as the first two movies. sure, it was funny bordering on hillarious at some part. but after a while you get bored of the storyline, and you can't really remember the 3D halfway through. so i ended up feeling stupid wearing a pair of glasses for a movie that doesn't feel like 3D.

oh, and because of the detour, i'm gonna have to cancel my half-planned trip this oct/nov. booo! :(

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