tsk. got so many things to write but somehow am too lazy to write. :p
anyhow... here's a few updates.
1. i'm getting married. woohoo! finally. there wont be a big party though, cos i hate big-and-overly-charged wedding receptions. besides, i'm getting married in the U.S so there'll only be a small party there. wish me luck guys.
2. i'm moving out from jakarta (again, woohoo! finally!) and move to arizona to my future husband's house. it's a small town but i think i'll like it. there's zero (nada, nol, none, null) mall in town but at least they got walmart. :p
3. and for those two reasons, i have soooo many things to do within a month (yes, i'll be leaving on mid nov guys). find/buy/make white dress for church wedding, resign from job, disconnect phone services, buy plane tickets, make arrangements for family to fly there, work (yes, until i resign i still have to work, and work's pretty hectic right now), and so many other things i can't remember. hmph. i don't know how other people do it. right now all i wanna do is clone myself so i can do multiple jobs and the same time.
4. hmm.. apa lagi yah updatenya? oh ternyata gak ada deng.. baru itu aja. :P
3 weeks ago
wow...congrats yaa..selama ini silent reader ajah..eh si yg empunya blog malah mo kabur dr indo...selamat yaa jangan lupa tulis2 blog juga dr sana ya....GBU
Hohoho..selamat ya, Jeng. Pakai green card dong, atau jadi warga negara Amrik sekalian?
ahaha.. thank you thank you guys.. :P pasti tulis blog lah dari sana. kan banyak cerita pastinya. :P masalah greencard, err.. mestinya sih dapet greencard ya? i dunno. :P
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