Wednesday, April 21, 2010

let's go green

been feeling a bit sluggish this last couple days. 2 days ago patrick got colic and he wouldn't stop crying for an hour or so. tired!

anyway i've also been working on my garden. dulu pas belom kawin suami pernah cerita soal rumahnya, and i thought "wow. gersang." gak ngebayang ga bisa liat rumput lagi. jujur sempet agak segen sih tinggal di sini. but then he told me he could fix the garden and plant grass and stuff. i was like, really?

well, really. here's the before picture

gersang? yo pasteenyaaa. tanahnya pasir + batu, or should i say batu + pasir. kadar batu lbh banyak daripada kadar pasir dan tanah. itu pager batu.. batunya diambil dari backyard semua tuh. *ngayal tp mungkin terjadi*

nah setelah gw dateng mulai deh tuh digarap. top soil dikeruk, diganti sama pasir. trus dibikinin saluran irigasi biar ga cape nyirem2 kebon tiap hari. trus dibikinin patio dan curb biar cantik, trus ditanemin pohon2 dll. dan yang terakhir: grass.

it took 2 months but it's finally done. and these are the 'after' pictures.

green grass all the way. woohoo. udah lama ga liat rumput jadi norak.

my flowerbed. this one's okra. i've also got marigold, sunflowers, dahlia, roses, lantana, hibiscus, etc.

and this is my vegetable garden. herbs, tomatos, beans, canteloupe, ... you name it.

might still be another year or two before we can harvest the fruits but the garden should look nice this summer. can't wait.

1 comment:

Ari said...

Kayak petani aja lu


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