Tuesday, November 24, 2009

things you can't find

here in safford arizona, there are some things you can't find.

- macet. no traffic jam whatsoever. jangankan macet, mobil ngantri aja hampir tak ada. wow.
- lubang di jalanan. nope. makanya di sini mobil kalau jalan bisa ngebut. gak perlu kawatir mesti rem mendadak krn ada lobang di tengah jalan.
- motor bebek. AHAHAHAHHA gw seneng banget yang satu ini kagak ada. jalanan terasa legaaaaa........
- mall. sadly there's no mall in this small city. tapi ada walmart (actually i prefer target, but walmart will do lah). barang2nya cukup bagus2 dan murah2.
- sampah di pinggir jalan. so refreshing to see nature free from garbage/litter.
- pembantu. hiks. agak sedih sih. tapi secara gw nganggur juga di sini, jadinya ya gak papa deh. walaupun i still hate doing ngelipet2 laundry dan vacuum (soalnya kena static terus).
- teman. yg ini bikin bete sih, secara jadi gak punya temen ngegosip. and it adds to my misery that waktu lokal di sini mundur 14 jam dari wib. jadinya pas gw pagi, mereka malam. pas gw malam, mereka siang. tetep gak bisa chatting deh. i don't know how i did it with my guy before me coming here.
- pemulung, pengamen, tukang minta2 di lampu merah...
- ABG jalan2 di mall (ha! no mall, no abg?) sambil bawa2 froyo. :)) di tucson mall juga penuh abg kok, tapi setidaknya gak bawa2 froyo.
- bakmi GM, bakmi pinangsia, bakmi medan 61, lomie kangkung, kwetiaw siram, ......
- 14045 dan kawan2nya. gosh.
- truk2 bak terbuka dengan kondisi bobrok dan dengan bak belakang bertuliskan kata2 mutiara yang kadang2 suka bikin ketawa saking garingnya
- public transportation of any kind. kok belum liat satupun ya? except a school bus. i saw stop signs for the bus, and the bus itself at one time, but no school.
- kecap manis, indomie, dan sambel.
- tanaman hijau dan bunga warna warni. it's a desert, what do you expect. ada sih tanaman gede hijau2, just not on my yard. :P
- speaking of yard, i don't have grass on my yard. it's all sand and stone. thank God hubby's thinking about getting a garden made in the backyard. the dogs will be happy. and i too, considering the dogs'll bring less sand and stones into the house. :p
- sinetron2 sialan yang biasa merajai tv2 indo. ahahahahhahahahahhaha.
- bayar parkir. di sini parkir gak bayar. dan lahan parkir gedeeee, ga perlu rebutan.
- jajanan pasar indo. lumpia, risol, gorengan, nagasari, lemper.. arghhh..
- cats. no cats in this house. hahahahhaha.

i suppose the list will keep on growing. at least i'm settling down here. and my hubby is so nice he works hard to make me like it here. he takes me to places, and when at home he lets me watch whatever i want, except on saturdays. :P

oh gosh i'm so lazy this past two days. i should be doing some laundrying (benci deh ngelipet2 laundry...!) and vacuuming (oh it's never-ending) but i'm lazy. i just want to read the book i'm reading (my lovely bones by alice sebold.. really good and moving). hmphhhh. lazy lazy lazy.



Ari said...

I can help you with your indomie, kecap, and sambel problem. Mo gw UPS-in?

Angie said...

Are you loving the open air though so far?


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